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一緒に Together 🤝 (uwu)

elementary #68
~ 5 Minutes


Remember your hot café date with Legolas from the last lesson? Well, today we’re going to learn how to drill home that you went together with Legolas. As if your friends weren’t jealous enough, sheesh! 😩

Don’t Go Alone! Everything’s Better Together


  • b

    → マイク一緒いっしょ夕飯ゆうはんべました。
    ”I ate dinner together with Mike.”

We’re going to talk about an adverb today that the と particle loves to hang out with: 一緒いっしょに, which means “together”! Much like と in our last lesson, 一緒いっしょに isn’t exclusive to people. It can describe a whole manner of things being together. It’s the togetherness that’s the key. Let’s take a lil’ peek.

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