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~や~や・~など: Listing

elementary #71
~ 5 Minutes


Hey, nice to see you again! You’re looking splendid as usual. Oh, hey I’ve been meaning to ask, what’s your favorite type of food? I’ll go first. I like Chinese and Mexican and Japanese and Thai and Indonesian and Vietnamese and…

Woah, what a horrible way to list things! By now we’ve learned to list things two different ways: か to list options when we’re not sure which one we’ll go for, and と to make your standard list of items. Today we’re going to talk about a new way to list… inexhaustibly. So get ready to never be exhausted again!

Yeah Man, Sports? I Like Water Polo And Hot Yoga, To Name Just A Couple.


  • b

    (Thing 1)(Thing 2)や・など
    "As for animals, I like dogs and cats (just to name a couple).”

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