Hey! Ready for another lesson? What do you mean you’ll only study once you’ve had your fifth coffee of the day? No, I’m not going to get one for you! That’s too many coffees! *hides empty coffee mugs littering my desk*
Today we’re going to learn a handy little phrase that means something like “once X is done… Y”. Pretty useful if I do say so myself.
て-form Verbから
→ このピザを食べてから、宿題をやります。
”Once I eat this pizza, I’ll do my homework.”
It’s easy to shirk responsibilities if you just keep piling on tasks and chores before you actually get to them. I mean, I wouldn’t know anything about this… I just hear it’s an effective(?) strategy, that’s all. Today we’re gonna learn how to procrastinate, or from another point of view, prioritize. I’ll leave how you use this up to you.
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