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Volitional Form

elementary #90
~ 5 Minutes


Today, we’re learning another Japanese verb conjugation! This one is called the volitional form, and from the name alone, you might already have an idea about what it can do! To have volition is to have the will/desire to do something, and after this lesson, you’ll be able to express your decisions and desires with a more resolute attitude! 😤 You’re gonna learn to say things like: let’s go eat some ice cream! Let’s do some stretches! Let’s… finally, clean our rooms!—No, you’re right, we’re too busy studying to do that. Onwards to the lesson and away from cleaning!

Congratulations, You’ve Been Invited!


Casual Form:

  • b

    For ichidan verbs: Stem Form Verbよう
    ”Let’s eat together.”

  • b

    For godan verbs: replace the last /u/ (う) sound to /ou/ (おう) → Casual Verb(おう)
    ”Let’s drink together.”

  • b


    • b

      する → しよう

    • b

      る → よう

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