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(In order) to do X/for...



(In order) to do X/for...


The particle のに can be used to make "(in order) to X" statements, as well as value judgment statements ("X is good/bad/etc. for Z").

のに's "(in order) to" usage is often paired with words like 使つかう・利用りよう, 必要ひつよう, and いる.

E.g. このナイフはパンをのに使つかいます。 "I use this knife in order to cut bread."

のに's "(in order) to" usage is also used in conjugation with 時間じかんがかかる to form "it takes time to do X" statements.

E.g. ピザをつくのに2時間じかんもかかった。 "It took as long as two hours to make the pizzas."

のに's "X is Y for Z" usage is used to make statements of evaluation, commonly using words like 便利べんり不便ふべん, いい・わるい, 役立やくだつ, etc.

E.g. 東京とうきょうらすのに便利べんりですか? "Is Tokyo a convenient place to live?"


  • b

    The particle のに can be used "(in order) to X" statements

  • b

    The particle のに can be used to make value judgment statements ("X is good/bad/etc. for Z")

Example Sentences
