When X, "then" Y
そこで is a conjunction that is mainly used in written scenarios, and has two main usages:
① "Therefore/as such/so"
② "Then/at that time/at that point".
This entry concerns usage ②.
For usage ②, そこで marks the place in time between when X event is completed, and Y action starts happening.
Common translations of this usage are "at that point", "that's when", or "then".
E.g. 私が手を挙げたら、そこで電気をつけてください。 "When I raise my hand, (at that point) please turn on the light."
E.g. お母さんが急に静かになって、そこでお父さんが言っていたことが本当だと分かった。 "Mom suddenly went quiet, and that's when I realized what dad was saying was true."
そこで is a conjunction that is mainly used in written scenarios
そこで has two main usages: ① "Therefore/as such/so", ② "Then/at that time/at that point"
For usage ②, そこで marks the place in time between when X event is completed, and Y action starts happening
For usage ②, そこで has common translations, "at that point", "that's when", or "then"
Example Sentences