There (concept/attribute/non-physical)
The そこを~ pattern is a combination of the こそあど word 「そこ」 and the を particle.
そこを is often used to refer to a negative aspect/attribute, and then describe an action that makes up for it. そこを may also be used in positive contexts, however.
E.g. 日向は背が低いが、そこをジャンプ力で補っている。 "Hinata is short, but he makes up for it with jumping ability."
E.g. ゆみさんはデザインが得意でしたよね。そこをもっとアピールしてはどうですか? "You were good at design right, Yumi? Why don't you emphasize that more?"
そこを is also commonly used in combination with phrases such as 「なんとか頼む・なんとかお願いします・どうにか」, in order to strongly ask someone to reconsider doing "X".
E.g. そこをなんとか! "Won't you reconsider?!"
E.g. 先生、そこをなんとかなりませんか!? "Isn't there something that can be done, professor?!"
The そこを~ pattern is a combination of the こそあど word 「そこ」 and the を particle
そこを is used to refer to a negative or positive aspect/attribute, and then describe an action that makes up for it
そこを is also commonly used to strongly ask someone to reconsider doing "X"
Example Sentences