If I were to say (why/where/who/etc.)...
The phrase ~かというと is a combination of the か question marker + the と quote marker + いう "to say", and the と conditional marker.
~かというと's main usage is to place additional emphasis on the explanation for something, or, sometimes, to deliberately keep the listener in suspense by delaying a given explanation.
~かというと has many possible translations depending on context. Some possibilities are "If I were to say.../If I had to pick/As for...".
For this usage, ~かというと must be paired with a question word:
Question word | Meaning |
どうして・なぜ・なんで | "Why" |
どこ | "Where" |
なに | "What" |
どう・どの/どれくらい | "How" |
いつ | "When" |
どちら・どれ | "Which" |
だれ | "Who" |
E.g. 違いは何かと言うと、使われている材料です。 "If I was to say what the difference was, it would be the materials used."
E.g. 成功する人は何が違うかというと、すぐに行動をするということだ。 "As for what is different about successful people, it's that they take action right away."
In casual contexts, 「かというと」 can be contracted to 「かっていうと」.
E.g. お昼はいつ食べるかって言うと、3限と4限の間だ。 "If I was to say when we eat lunch, it's between third and fourth period."
Alternative conditional markers can be used in place of 「と」to form 「かといえば・かといったら」.
E.g. なぜこうなったかといえば、マイクが確認しなかったからだ。 "As for why things went this way, it's because Mike didn't check."
~かというと's main usage is to place additional emphasis on the explanation for something, or, sometimes, to deliberately keep the listener in suspense by delaying a given explanation
~かというと has many possible translations depending on context ("If I were to say.../If I had to pick/As for...")
For this usage, ~かというと must be paired with a question word
In casual contexts, 「かというと」 can be contracted to 「かっていうと」
Alternative conditional markers can be used in place of 「と」to form 「かといえば・かといったら」
Example Sentences