Must not/must (casual)
~てはいけない ("must not do X") can be made more casual by substituting ては for ちゃ or じゃ to form ~ちゃいけない.
E.g. 食べる → 食べて → 食べちゃいけない
When a verb's て form uses で, ちゃいけない will become じゃいけない instead.
E.g. 飲む → 飲んで → 飲んじゃいけない
If combined with a negative て form verb, ~ちゃいけない forms a double negative and expresses "must" instead.
E.g. 飲まなくちゃいけない "must drink"
ちゃいけない is quite casual and should be avoided in polite/formal situations, although it can be made slightly more polite by conjugating ない to ません -> 「ちゃいけません」.
~ちゃいけない・~じゃいけない can be used for a casual "must not do X"
To use ~ちゃいけない attach it to a て form verb after removing て
~じゃいけない is used when the て form verb ends with で
ちゃいけない can be combined with negative て form verbs to express "must"
Example Sentences