X is more than Y
The ~より~ほうが pattern is used to compare two options and say that one is preferable over the other, or that one has more of a certain value. In this pattern, the less-desirable or lesser option always comes first (before より), and the preferred or greater option comes second (before ほうが).
Nouns, verbs, and adjectives may preceed より and ほうが. Nouns require の to attach to ほうが, and な-adjectives require な. Casual verbs and い-adjectives can attach directly.
The order of より and ほうが may also be reversed, but the meaning of the sentence remains unchanged.
Use ~より~ほうが to compare two options
The less preferable or lesser option comes first, before より, and the preferable or greater option comes second, before ほうが
~より~ほうが may be used in combination with verbs, adjectives, and nouns
Explained in
Example Sentences