Today we’ll be learning about ~より~方が and how it’s used to make comparisons!
We’ve previously learned that 方がいい is used to give advice by contrasting the better option with its unspoken alternative (the worse option). In a way, 方がいい introduces a comparison that might make this lesson a tiny bit easier to understand! With ~より~方が, we’ll be going all-in and making a direct comparison between two things!
"The Lesser Option + より + The Greater Option + 方が"
For Nouns: Noun 1よりNoun 2の方が
→ 本よりパソコンの方がいい。
”Computers are better than books.”
For Verbs: Casual Verb 1よりCasual Verb 2方が
→ 借りるより買う方がいい。
”Buying is better than renting.”
For Adjectives:
い-adjective 1よりい-adjective 2方が
→ 冷たいよりあつい方が好きだ。
”I prefer hot over chilled.”
な-adjective 1なよりな-adjective 2な方が
→ 不便なより便利な方がいいね。
”Convenience is better than inconvenience.”
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