More than
より may be pulled apart from the ~より~ほうが to be used as a standalone "than" or "more than". In this case, ほうが is simply omitted.
When used on its own, より still compares two options, but it is common for one of them to be omitted. The option that precedes より is still the lesser option, but in the ~より(adjective) construction, this option tends to be omitted.
The following patterns are common:
Rather than/More than X, Y.
"I like oranges more than apples."
Something is more X.
"This is easier (than the omitted alternative). "
より can be used to compare two things and means "than/more than"
With the ~より(adjective) pattern, it is common for one of the two things being compared to be omitted
Explained in
elementary #53
~より~ほうが: Comparisons
Example Sentences