Can/able to...
The potential form of する (できる) can be combined with a nominalized verb using the が particle. This forms the ~ことができる pattern, which is used to describe that a verb is possible.
E.g. 食べる + こと + が + できる > 食べることができる "able to eat"
ができる may also be combined directly with nouns when the associated verb can be inferred.
E.g. ギターができる "to be able to play guitar"
The difference between ~ことができる and potential form verbs is very subtle, but the following are generally true:
~ことができる tends to be used in slightly more formal situations.
~ことができる tends to describe the possibility of a given situation.
~ことができる cannot replace a potential form verb when evaluating something.
We can use ~ことができる to nominalize and form a potential verb
~ができる can directly follow a noun in some situations
~ことができる and potential form verbs differ slightly
Explained in
Example Sentences