Causative-passive form/to be forced to do...
The passive られる and the causative させる can be combined into the causative-passive form: させられる. The causative-passive indicates that someone is forced to do something against their will.
E.g. 私はマイクにピザを食べさせられた。 "I was forced to eat pizza by Mike."
In causative-passive sentences, the person who is being forced to do something is marked by が/は if they are mentioned. The person who does the forcing is marked by に if they are mentioned.
There is also a "short form" of causative-passive, which is done by conjugating a shortened causative verb (E.g. 飲ます) into its passive form ( E.g. 飲まされる). However, this is not possible for ichidan verbs, or godan verbs that end with す.
The causative-passive form of verbs indicate that someone was forced to do something
The causative-passive form is a combination of the passive and causative auxiliary verbs: させられる
Explained in
Example Sentences