Causative form
The causative form of verbs is formed by adding させる to the stem form of ichidan verbs, and せる to the negative stem form of godan verbs.
E.g. 食べる → 食べ → 食べさせる
E.g. 飲む → 飲まない → 飲ませる
Causative form verbs mean that a superior actor (the one who does the causing) causes an inferior actor (the one who does the verb) to do something.
Depending on the context, causative form verbs can mean that someone is either "forced to do something" or is "allowed to do something".
The causative form of a verb indicates that someone was either "forced" or "allowed" to do something
Causative sentences have a superior and inferior actor
Explained in
apprentice #101
Causative Form
Example Sentences