Conditional form: If/when
ら can be attached to any past tense word ending in た to form the たら conditional form. ~たら is used for conditional "if" and "when" statements.
E.g. おいしかったら、何でも食べれる。 "I can eat anything if it's tasty."
E.g. デザート食べたら、帰りましょう。 "Once you eat dessert let's go home."
For nouns/な-adjectives, the 「(noun/な-adjective)だったら」 pattern can be used. じゃない・ではない are used for negatives.
E.g. 子供だったら無理。 "It's impossible if it's a kid."
E.g. 子供じゃなかったら無理。 "It's impossible if it's not a kid."
If a たら statement will be ambiguous (either "if" or "when") it is often paired with もし ("with") in order to clarify.
E.g. もし安くなったら、買います。 "If it gets cheaper, I'll buy it."
~たら is a conditional marker
~たら is formed by adding ら to any past tense word ending in た
~たら forms either "when" or "if" statements
Explained in
Example Sentences