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Was/had/is.. (past continuous)



Was/had/is.. (past continuous)


~ていた is the past form of the continuative ~ている. To form the ~ていた form of a verb, simply change the final る of its ている form to た.

E.g. べる > べている > ていた

Although it is often translated as "was doing X", ~ていた differs in many ways from the way that the continuative "ing" is used in English. For instance, the verb る ("to come") in its ていた form often means "was/is here", rather than "was coming". This is essentially because ている and ていた can describe a "state of being", rather than simply an ongoing action.

For more details, refer to the main lesson.


  • b

    Change ている into ていた to form a verb's past continuative form

  • b

    ~ていた is similar to "was -ing" in English, but is quite different in some scenarios, such as with verbs like る, where the ている (and ていた) forms can represent a "state" rather than an "ongoing action"

Example Sentences
