Humble requests
The verb 頂く is the 謙譲語 (humble language) version of もらう "to receive", and is often translated as "to humbly receive".
頂く is commonly combined with て form verbs to describe an action that someone has benefited from. 頂く's potential form (頂ける)can be used in combination with て form verbs to humbly ask for a favor.
E.g. 書いて頂けますか。"Might I ask you to write that for me?"
頂く can also be used in the (noun)を頂く pattern, to politely ask for nouns. 頂く can be made even more polite by pairing with でしょうか, rather than ですか.
E.g. 水をいただけるでしょうか。"May I humbly receive some water?"
頂く is a 謙譲語 verb meaning "to humbly receive"
頂く can be used to politely describe or ask for favors
Explained in
apprentice #92
~いただく: Humble Requests
Example Sentences