Quotation marker (casual)/Exclamatory marker/Casual topic marker
って is a casual way to mark what someone said, or what the speaker heard. って can also be used to emphasize that someone is frustrated after having to repeat something multiple times.
When functioning as a quotation marker, って is most commonly combined with the verb 言う.
E.g. ~って言った。
”(Someone) said..."
When marking what someone heard, って is most commonly paired with the verb 聞く.
E.g. ~って聞いた。
"(I) heard that..."
In casual contexts, って can also be used in place of the topic marker は.
って can be used in casual situations to mark what someone said, or what the speaker heard.
って can also substitute for the topic marker は.
Explained in
elementary #69
と・って: Quoting
Example Sentences