Finish doing X
上げる・上がる can be attached to the stem form of verbs to form a compound verb. ~上がる・上げる compounds simply say that a given action is completed.
E.g. アイシングをしたら、出来上がり!
"Once (I) put the icing on, it's done!"
~上がる is quite commonly used for food, things that need to be cooked, etc.
Either 上がる or 上げる is used depending on whether or not what is being "completed" is treated as a direct object or not.
~上がる・上げる form compound verbs that indicate that an action is completed
上がる or 上げる is used depending on whether or not what is being "completed" is treated as a direct object or not
Explained in
adept #46
切る・上がる・通す: “Finishing ○○”
Example Sentences