To do X completely/to the end
切る attaches to verb stems, and expresses that said verb is done "completely", or emphasizes a given state.
E.g. あの小説は1日で読み切りました。
"I read that novel all in one day."
E.g. フルマラソンの後で、マイクはヘトヘトに疲れきっている。
"After the marathon, Mike was completely and utterly exhausted."
切る is often used in its potential form, to indicate that someone is able/unable to do something
E.g. 量が多くて食べきれませんでした。
"There was a lot and I couldn't finish eating it."
E.g. 初めてのマラソンで、最後まで走り切れたのはすごい。
"Running your first marathon all the way to the end is amazing."
切る can attach to a verb's stem form to indicate that an action is finished, or that something is done completely
~切る can also indicate that an action is done to an extreme extent, or that something has happened "completely"
Explained in
Example Sentences