To do... (well/thoroughly/for a long time/inside)
The verb 込む ("to put into") can attach to a verb's stem form to form a compound verb. Usage of ~込む can be separated generally into two categories: verbs of movement, and non-movement verbs.
込む adds the nuance that a verb is done, thoroughly/deeply, or that an action goes "into" something else.
E.g. 走る "to run" + 込む = 走り込む "to run into (something)"
E.g. 飛ぶ "to fly; jump" + 込む = 飛び込む "to jump/fly into (something)"
With verbs of movement, 込む can add the meaning of "in/into", or deepen said meaning if it already exists.
E.g. マイクはサウナから出たあと、海に飛び込んだ。
"After Mike got out of the sauna, Mike jumped into the ocean."
E.g. タイムカプセルを、深さ1メートルくらいのところに埋め込んだ。
"We thoroughly buried the time capsule about a meter down."
込む can also be used with verbs that don't involve any motion at all. For these verbs, 込む usually indicates that something is done thoroughly, for a long time, or until a certain result is achieved.
E.g. 友達と話し込んでいたら、終電がなくなってしまった。
"I got lost in conversation with my friend and missed the last train."
E.g. この作品は細部まで作り込まれている。
"This work has been perfected down to the details."
込む attaches to a verb's stem form to form a compound verb
Usage of 込む can be separated generally into two categories: verbs of movement, and non-movement verbs
With verbs of movement, 込む can add the meaning of "in/into", or deepen said meaning if it already exists
With non-movement verbs, 込む can indicate that a verb is done "well/thoroughly", until a certain result is achieved, or that it is done "repeatedly/for a long time"
Explained in
Example Sentences