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Intended for/aimed at



Intended for/aimed at


け comes from the verb ける ("to turn towards; to point"), and is used as a suffix that attaches to nouns.

(Noun)け compounds describe something that has been intentionally "made for" someone/something. ~け is generally translated as "X was/is made for Y".

E.g. ダイエットをしているひとのレシピぼんつくりたい。 "I want to write a recipe book for people who are on a diet."

け is commonly combined with nouns that describe a certain group of people. Like "students", "vegetarians", or "adults".

E.g. このアニメは大人おとなだ。 "This anime is made for adults."


  • b

    け is a suffix that attaches to nouns

  • b

    け comes from the verb ける ("to turn towards; to point")

  • b

    け is generally translated as "X was/is made for Y"

Example Sentences
