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Suitable for



Suitable for


き comes from the verb く ("to be suited/fit for"), and is used as a suffix that attaches to nouns.

き is used to say that something is "suitable for X".

E.g. このいえ家族かぞくです。 "This house is suitable for families."

E.g. あのごはんさんは、からいのがきなひとだ。 "That restaurant is suitable for people who like spicy food."

不向ふむき」 for "not suitable" is also common:

E.g. 山口やまぐちさんは営業えいぎょうにはかもしれません。 "Yamaguchi might not be suited for sales."

き can also indicate a direction (e.g. "east-facing"; "front-facing").

E.g. このまどはどっち? "Which direction does this window face?"


  • b

    き is a suffix that attaches to nouns

  • b

    き comes from the verb く ("to be suited/fit for")

  • b

    き is used to say that something is "suitable for X"

  • b

    き can also indicate a direction (e.g. "east-facing"; "front-facing")

Example Sentences
