Instead of/on behalf of...
The ~に代わって ("in place of") pattern can only follow nouns and indicate that something "takes the place of" something else.
E.g. マイクに代わって、私が行きます。 "I'll be going in place of Mike."
The formal version of ~に代わって is ~に代わり.
E.g. 来週からはローガンに代わり、私が社長になる。 "From next week, I will become the CEO in place of Logan."
Although ~に代わって is similar to ~代わりに, they can only be used interchangeably in scenarios where a person is doing a task/fulfilling a role for someone else.
~に代わって is used to indicate that something "takes the place of" something else
~に代わって can only follow nouns
~に代わって's formal version is ~に代わり
Explained in
adept #22
~代わりに・~に代わって: "Instead of ○○"
Example Sentences