Cannot possibly do X
The とても~ない pattern is used to express that something is "impossible" or that one "simply cannot do X".
For the とても~ない pattern, とても is most commonly paired with negative potential verbs, but may also be paired with words that include a negative, such as 「無理」.
E.g. こんなに大きいピザ、一人ではとても食べきれない。 "I can't possibly finish eating a pizza this big."
E.g. 東京から大阪は、とても歩ける距離ではない。 "The distance from Tokyo to Osaka is entirely unwalkable."
The とてもじゃないけど~ない pattern is more conversational in tone than とても~ない, and puts more emphasis on X not being possible.
E.g. 残業が毎日続いて、とてもじゃないが自炊をしている時間はない。 "I continue to have overtime every day, so I have absolutely no time to cook."
E.g. その値段ではとてもじゃないけど、買えません。 "I can't possibly buy it at that price."
The とても~ない pattern is used to express that something is "impossible" or that one "simply cannot do X"
とても is most commonly paired with negative potential verbs, but may also be paired with words that include a negative, such as 「無理」
The とてもじゃないけど~ない pattern is more conversational in tone than とても~ない, and puts more emphasis on X not being possible
Explained in
Example Sentences