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Cannot possibly do X



Cannot possibly do X


The とても~ない pattern is used to express that something is "impossible" or that one "simply cannot do X".

For the とても~ない pattern, とても is most commonly paired with negative potential verbs, but may also be paired with words that include a negative, such as 「無理むり」.

E.g. こんなにおおきいピザ、一人ひとりではとてもべきれない。 "I can't possibly finish eating a pizza this big."

E.g. 東京とうきょうから大阪おおさかは、とてもあるける距離きょりではない。 "The distance from Tokyo to Osaka is entirely unwalkable."

The とてもじゃないけど~ない pattern is more conversational in tone than とても~ない, and puts more emphasis on X not being possible.

E.g. 残業ざんぎょう毎日まいにちつづいて、とてもじゃないが自炊じすいをしている時間じかんはない。 "I continue to have overtime every day, so I have absolutely no time to cook."

E.g. その値段ねだんではとてもじゃないけどえません。 "I can't possibly buy it at that price."


  • b

    The とても~ない pattern is used to express that something is "impossible" or that one "simply cannot do X"

  • b

    とても is most commonly paired with negative potential verbs, but may also be paired with words that include a negative, such as 「無理むり

  • b

    The とてもじゃないけど~ない pattern is more conversational in tone than とても~ない, and puts more emphasis on X not being possible

Example Sentences
