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別に・とても~ない: Not really... not at all!

adept #147
~ 5 Minutes


Today we'll be taking a look at two ways we can modify negative statements. In case, you know, you want to be a little less, or a little more, negative.

べつに~ない: Not really that (bad)!


  • b

    べつ~Negative verb/adjective/noun
    "It's actually not bad.”

You may know that 「べつ」 can mean "separate", as in 「別々べつべつ」 ("separate") or 「トマトはべつさらにのせてください」 ("Please put the tomatoes on a separate plate"). But did you know that it can also mean "(not) particularly..." or "not especially..."? Well, it can!


To use べつに for describing that something is "not especially X", we simply combine it with the に particle, and a negative verb/adjective or じゃない・ではない.

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