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Without doing X



Without doing X


〜ずに is similar to 〜ないで, but is also commonly found in written contexts.

〜ずに can be attached to the negative stem form of a verb, and is used to say "do X without doing Y". (The ず forms of する and る are exceptions: 「せずにずに」.)

E.g. 昨日きのう化粧けしょうとさずにてしまった。 "Yesterday I went to sleep without removing my makeup."

Occasionally, the に of 〜ずに is dropped. This adds a slightly more formal/written tone.

E.g. やすはたらいているのになかなか給料きゅうりょうがらない。 "I'm working without taking any vacations but my salary isn't going up."


  • b

    〜ずに can be attached to the negative stem form of a verb, and is used to say "do X without doing Y"

  • b

    The ず forms of する and る are exceptions: 「せずにずに

  • b

    Occasionally, the に of 〜ずに is dropped, which adds a slightly more formal/written tone

Example Sentences
