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"As is"



"As is"


~まま can attach to verbs, adjectives, or nouns, and indicates that a given state persists through time or is left "as is".

E.g. このじゃがいも、30分さんじゅっぷんくらいでてるのにまだかたままだ。 "Despite boiling this potato for about 30 minutes, it's still hard."

E.g. くついたまま大丈夫だいじょうぶですよ。 "You can leave your shoes on."

For the 「(verb1)まま(verb2)」 pattern, まま should indicate a prolonged state that is abnormal or goes against the speaker's expectations of what should happen.

E.g. 昨日きのうつかれていて、電気でんきけたままてしまった。 "Yesterday I was tired, and I went to sleep with the lights on."

~まま can be used as an adverb when followed by the に or で particles.

E.g. がきけたままにしておいてください。 "Please leave it unlocked."


  • b

    ~ままに indicates that a given state persists through time or is left "as is"

  • b

    ~まま can attach to verbs, adjectives, or nouns

  • b

    ~まま can be used as an adverb when followed by the に or で particles

Example Sentences
