Welcome to the grammar lesson where we finally come to our senses and leave well enough alone. Welcome to the ~まま・~っぱなし extravaganza!
た form verb/casual negative verbまま(に)
→ テレビは点けたままだった。
”The TV had been left on.”
First up, we have ~まま, which is a quick and easy way to say that an action continues through time. Usually, ~まま also indicates that the action is "unresolved" in some way. You'll see what I mean when we get to examples.
まま attaches to nouns and な-adjectives (as you might expect) with の・な, and directly to い-adjectives. For verbs though, we'll need to make sure we're using either their た-form
Casual, past form (e.g. {食|た}べた)
or their casual negative form.
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