どの, or "which (noun)", is a so-called 「こそあど」word. どの's set of こそあど words includes この, その, あの, and どの. This こそあど set is comprised of noun modifiers, rather than pronouns. This means that they must always attach to a noun, and have no meaning on their own.
どの may be used to ask a question, wherein it is usually translated as "which" (e.g 「どの車?」"Which car?"), or it may be used to say "whichever/any (noun)" (e.g 「どの車でも大丈夫。」"Any car is fine.").
どの may only be used when dealing with three or more options.
どの is a こそあど word meaning "which (noun)".
どの may only be used when dealing with three or more options.
どの can also be used to express "whichever (noun)".
Explained in
elementary #24
こそあど 3 Demonstratives (この・その・あの・どの)
Example Sentences