The noun 後ろ can be used locationally to say that something is "behind" a given location.
Since 後ろ is a noun, we can use the の particle to attach it to another locational noun.
E.g. パソコンの後ろにリンゴがあります。
"There is an apple behind the computer."
~の後ろ can be followed by the に particle as above, or the の particle, which creates a nominalized "noun phrase". Other particles, such as で or は are also possible depending on the sentence.
E.g. パソコンの後ろのリンゴがおいしい。
"The apple behind the computer is delicious."
For its temporal usage, 後ろ's reading changes to 後. More on this in the ~後で/に entry.
~の後ろ attaches to a noun to express "behind (noun)"
(location)の後ろ can nominalized by the の particle
Explained in
elementary #39
前・後・横 Prepositions 1
Example Sentences