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The noun まえ can be used to indicate that an action happens "before" another. To do this, we attach it to a noun using the の particle, or directly to a casual past/present tense verb. We can then connect it to the following clause using に.

E.g. べるまえ
"before eating"
E.g. べたまえ
”before (someone) had eaten"
E.g. ランチのまえ
"before lunch"

Since (verb)まえ is a specific time expression, it is often followed by に, which marks it as the target time of an action. The temporal まえ will always only take the に particle, never the で particle. This helps to distinguish it from the spatial まえ which can take either one.

You may also directly attach まえ to a time noun to express "X time ago".

E.g. 3時間さんじかんまえ
"Three hours ago."


  • b

    Combine まえ with a noun, or a present/past casual verb to express that something happens "before" something else

  • b

    まえ can be followed by the に time-marking particle, but not で

  • b

    まえ may directly attach to a time noun to express "X time ago"

Example Sentences
