Polite request
お願いします is a polite way to make a request in Japanese. Rather than "please", お願いします sounds more like "I politely ask of you to..."
Using お願いします for requests is a great way to be polite when dealing with strangers, people in the service industry, at work, etc. and it sounds a bit less direct and more humble than 〜ください.
お願いします generally sounds too polite for most casual situations.
お願いします can directly follow an adverb, an auxiliary verb, or the を particle (often omitted).
お願いします is a polite way to make a request in Japanese
お願いします can follow the を particle, an adverb, or an auxiliary verb
Explained in
apprentice #84
おねがいします・〜ください・~なさい "Please..."
Example Sentences