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つもりで・つもりだった: Advanced intentions

adept #12
~ 5 Minutes


A while back, I introduced つもり to you for the very first time in the Fledgling Forest. Today, we're going to bring it back and add a couple of cool additional usages. I hope that sounds good because that's what we're doing, no ifs, ands, or buts!

~つもりで: With the intention of ○○/As if ○○


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    Casual verb/casual past verbつもりで

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    ”I went with the intention of eating soy sauce ramen, but I ended up eating seafood ramen.”

For today's lesson, we'll be using our old friend つもり ("intention"), and attaching a couple of other grammatical devices to it. First, let's review how つもり works on its own.

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