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With the intention of.../pretending/as if



With the intention of.../pretending/as if


The 「Yつもりで、X」 pattern can be used to say that "X was done with Y intent". つもりで can attach to nouns and な-adjectives using の, or directly to casual form verbs.

E.g. たくさんつもりでたが、おさけ見当みあたらない! "I came here with the intent to drink a lot, but I can't find any booze!"

つもりで can also be used to create "as if" statements. These can be used when someone is pretending to be someone/something else, or when they are acting "as if they are X".

E.g. ははになったつもりで電話でんわた。 "I picked up the phone, pretending to be mom."

E.g. シェフのつもりでチーズおろしている。 "They're grating cheese as if they're a chef."


  • b

    「Yつもりで、X」 can be used to say that "X was done with Y intent"

  • b

    ~つもりで can also be used to create "As if X is in Y way", or "To pretend to be X" statements

Example Sentences
