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~上で: "After/upon/when..."

adept #69
~ 5 Minutes


Heya! Today we'll be looking at a kinda formal/written piece of grammar. So put on your formal pants. (Or don't, I'm not the boss of you.)

Let's get to it!

うえで: Upon doing X


  • b

    Past casual verb/present casual verbうえ

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    → ご確認かくにんうえ、お使つかいください。
    "Please use (this) upon checking (it).”

First things first, うえで is quite formal. This means it doesn't tend to get used much in casual conversation, and you're most likely to encounter it in written contexts, or formal spoken explanations.

When we attach うえで to a past tense verb, or to a noun using の, we are saying "Once X is done...". What follows is most commonly some sort of instruction, but other statements are possible too. (I bet you can't WAIT to check out some examples!!!)

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