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Special Verbs: 行く・来る・する

elementary #35
~ 5 Minutes


If verbs had a popularity contest, there are two that would definitely not win: する and くる. Oh and also, there’s their wannabe rebel tag-along, く. Today, we’re gonna dive into what makes these swashbuckling, Han Solo-esque verbs so weird… and stuff!

Irregular Verbs of Irregularity

I called this lesson “special verbs”, but really that’s just because する and くる asked me to. They’re actually—*looks around to see if any verbs are watching*—irregular…

If you know your godan verb conjugations, and you’ve never seen する conjugated before, you might think it would go something like this:

  • b

    する’s Polite Present form → すります ❌

  • b

    する’s Casual Past form → すった ❌

  • b

    する’s Negative Casual form → すらない ❌

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