Ah, simply nothing better than some grammar on a beautiful day like today, wouldn’t you agree? You know, getting this far through your Beginner grammar makes me think it might be time for a little outing. I know just the place! Shall we?
If you were wondering when I was going to teach you how to ask someone on a date, well, wonder no more, the day is here. Me and you? Whoa whoa, hang on, we’re just friends… right?
Stem Form Verbませんか・ましょうか・ましょう
→ 一緒に食べませんか。
”Shall we eat together?”
Bring out the stem form
The "stem" of a verb, made by conjugating a verb to its ます-form and removing ます (e.g. {食|た}べる → {食|た}べます → {食|た}べ).
s once more! They’re gonna be important here, as we’re going to be attaching all three of these invitational phrases to verb stems.
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