Shall I...?/Shall we...?
~ましょうか is a fairly polite way to make an invitation or suggestion. Compared to ~ませんか, ~ましょうか sounds like the speaker has more confidence in the other person agreeing to their invitation.
Form ましょう by conjugating the 「ます」at the end of a ます form verb and adding か.
E.g. 食べる → 食べます → 食べましょうか
Compared to ~ましょう, the addition of か makes ~ましょうか sound a bit more unassuming.
Use ~ましょうか to politely suggest that someone should do something, or to invite someone to do something
Invitations made using ~ましょうか have more confidence in the other person saying yes than those made using ~ませんか
Example Sentences