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Precisely because/*that* is X



Precisely because/*that* is X


The emphatic particle こそ can form a compound particle with「から」 and be combined with the こそあど word 「それ」.

The 「〜からこそ」 pattern is used to emphasize the reason for something.

E.g. 留学りゅうがくしたからこそ自分じぶんくにさにづけた。 "It's precisely because I studied abroad that I noticed the positive sides of my own country."

「だからこそ」 can be used as a conjunction that refers back to and emphasizes some previously stated information.

E.g. だからこそをつけないとね。 "That's exactly why you have to be careful, hey."

「それこそ」 ("Now that is X") can be used to emphasize something without explicitly stating it.

E.g. これ以上いじょうつのは、それこそ時間じかん無駄むだだ。 "Waiting any longer, now that would be a waste of time."

それこそ is also commonly used to provide information that the speaker believes is contrary to the listener's expectations.

E.g. どの場所ばしょ綺麗きれい、ということはないよ。それこそ新宿しんじゅくとか。 "Not every place is clean. For example, there's Shinjuku."


  • b

    こそ can be attached to 「から」 and 「それ」

  • b

    「〜からこそ」 is used to emphasize the reason for something

  • b

    「それこそ」 ("Now that is X") can be used to emphasize something without explicitly stating it, or to provide contrary/surprising info

Example Sentences
