Comparable with
The と並んで pattern is a combination of the と particle and the て form of the verb 並ぶ.
~と並んで is used to express "alongside X; comparable to X", and only attaches to nouns.
The main difference between ~と並んで and the similar grammar structure~と同じで, is that ~と並んで tends to "line up" things of a similar category, while ~と同じ tends to deal more with aspects/things that have "degrees"
E.g. この店は、ラーメンと並んでみそカツが人気です。 "Along with ramen, this restaurant's miso katsu is popular."
E.g. 運動は睡眠と並んで、健康には欠かせないものだ。 "Along with sleep, exercise is indispensable for health."
The と並んで pattern is a combination of the と particle and the て form of the verb 並ぶ
~と並んで is used to express "alongside X; comparable to X"
~と並んで only attaches to nouns
Example Sentences