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~と同じで・と違って・と並んで: “X is Similar/Different/Comparable to…”

adept #129
~ 5 Minutes


I've heard you loud and clear: there haven't been enough lessons that use the と particle lately. And since I am both benevolent and kind, I've gone ahead and made this one alllll about the と particle.

(Well, really the important bits come after と, but hey, whaddaya gonna do.)

~と(おなじで・ちがって・ならんで): To be similar, to be different, to be... or not be?


  • b

    "Unlike us, they're beings that have three heads.”

Today's lesson is all about the main pattern「Noun + と + (verb)」, where the verbs in question are 「おなじ・ちがう・ならぶ」. We can use this main pattern to express the following:

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