Link actions together
The て form is one of the Japanese language's most common conjugations. Conjugating a verb to its て form allows it to be used in a variety of ways.
To form a て form of an ichidan verb, simply replace the final る with て.
E.g. 食べる > 食べて
For godan verbs, the following patterns should be followed:
Rule | Casual Form | Conjugation | て-Form |
For verbs ending with う, つ and る, remove う/つ/る and add って | 買う | う → って | 買って |
For verbs ending with く and ぐ, remove く/ぐ and add いて/いで | 書く | く → いて | 書いて |
For verbs ending with ぬ, ぶ and む, remove ぬ/ぶ/む and add んで | 読む | む → んで | 読んで |
For verbs ending with す, remove す and add して | 話す | す → して | 話して |
する, 来る and 行く are exceptions.
Casual Form | て-Form |
する | して |
来る | 来て |
行く | 行って |
て form verbs can be used to link together two actions. To achieve this, simply end the first clause of a sentence with a て form verb. If the second clause contains a verb, they will be linked together either in sequential order (i.e. the first verb happens first, the second verb happens second), or happen simultaneously (i.e. the first verb describes how the second is performed).
E.g. ピザを食べて、寝ました。
"I ate pizza, then I slept." (sequential)E.g. 走って来ました。
"I came running." (simultaneous)
When a て form verb links two clauses, it can sometimes imply that the first clause is the reason for the second. This forms an "and so/because" connection between clauses one and two.
て form verbs can be used to link together two actions
Actions linked together by a て form verb happen sequentially or simultaneously
Sometimes て form verbs can imply "because" when linking two clauses
Example Sentences