Sentence ender
The explanatory の can be used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question (i.e. the speaker is seeking an explanation).
E.g. それ、おいしいの? "Is that tasty?"
When の follows a noun or な-adjective it needs to attach using な.
E.g. 学生なの? "Are you a student?"
の can also come at the end of a statement, which is the same explanatory usage. This use of の sounds fairly feminine.
E.g. これ、おいしいの。 "This is tasty." (explanatory; feminine)
Using の to ask a question or form a statement is fairly casual.
The explanatory の can come at the end of a sentence to indicate a question or an explanatory statement
This usage of の is fairly casual
Explained in
apprentice #22
~かしら・~な・~ぞ・かな: Sentence-Enders 2
Example Sentences