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には ①

Locational compound particle


には ①

Locational compound particle


The compound particle には is simply a combination of the に and は particles.

When used to mark a location, には mirrors に's locational usages: marking a target "destination" for either a verb of motion or where something exists.

The addition of は means that the information following には gets emphasized, and the location being discussed becomes the topic of the sentence.

Since に also retains its function as a particle (i.e. marking a location as a "target") the location preceding には is also emphasized. This means that には places emphasis on the location that it attaches to as well as any following remarks about said location.

Because of this function, には is often used when the speaker wants to: mark a location as the topic of conversation and add some details or nuance regarding it, or, create contrast between what might be expected about a certain location, and what the reality is.

For instance:

"Are you going to the store?"

"I'm going to the store but..." (something is implied that goes against the listener's expectations)


  • b

    には is a combination of the に and は particles.

  • b

    When used locationally, には emphasizes what comes before, and after it.

  • b

    には is used when the speaker wants to mark a location as the topic of conversation and add some details or nuance about it, or create contrast between what is expected about a certain location vs reality.

Example Sentences
