Compound particle (in/by)
では is a compound particle that is a combination of the で (locational/method/tool marker) and the は particle (topic marker). では can be used in place of the で particle, often when describing a place, or a general "field/topic" of some kind. では always maintains the main function of the で particle: to mark where or with what method a verb occurs.
E.g. 日本では、新鮮なお寿司がどこでも食べられます。 "In Japan, you can eat fresh sushi anywhere."
では can also be used to provide contrast in sentences that make use of で's "tool/method" usage.
E.g. 新幹線では行けます。 "You can go by bullet train. (but...)"
では is a combination of the で and は particles
では is used to mark a location as both the topic of the sentence and the place where/method with which a verb occurs
Explained in
adept #14
それでは・では・じゃあ: "Well then..."
Example Sentences