To do: until the end/continuously/through
通す can attach to a verb's stem form to create a compound verb. 〜通す compounds indicate that an action is finished, or is done continuously.
E.g. 一度決めたことは最後までやり通すべきだ!
"Once you decide on something, you should do it through to the end!"
E.g. 赤ちゃんは一晩中泣き通しでした。
"The baby cried all through the night."
~通す includes a sense of volition, and can only be used for human actions.
Compared to ~切る, ~通す focuses more on the action, rather than the point of completion.
走り通した ⭕️ (focuses on action of running)
走り切った ⭕️ (focuses on having run (e.g. X distance))
〜通す compound verbs are used to say that an action is finished or is done continuously
~通す includes a sense of volition, and can only be used for human actions
Explained in
adept #46
切る・上がる・通す: “Finishing ○○”
Example Sentences